Dr. Jean Sandall, Postdoctoral Fellow (2010-11)

B.Nat.Res. (1991); M.Ec. (1999); Ph.D. (2007) University of New England.

Dr. Sandall was a Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill University in 2010-11. She conducted research into the integration of scientific knowledge in natural resource and environmental policy. She joined the research laboratory from the Victorian Department of Primary Industries in Australia, where she worked on policy responses to assist agricultural industries to adapt to climate change.

Project Publications:

Song, A., Saavedra Cisneros, A., Temby, O.F., Sandall, J., Cooksey, R.W. and Hickey, G.M. (2019). On developing an inter-agency trust scale for assessing governance networks in the public sector. International Public Management Journal 22(4): 691-710.

Temby, O., Sandall, J., Cooksey, R. and Hickey, G.M. (2017). Examining the role of trust and informal communication on mutual learning in government: The case of climate change adaptation in New York. Organization & Environment 30(1): 71-97.

Temby, O., Sandall, J., Cooksey, R. and Hickey, G.M. (2016). How do civil servants view the importance of collaboration and scientific knowledge for climate change adaptation? Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 23(1): 5-20.

Temby, O., Rastogi, A., Sandall, J., Cooksey, R. and Hickey, G.M. (2015). Inter-agency trust and communication in the transboundary governance of Pacific salmon fisheries. Review of Policy Research 32(1): 79-99.

Hickey, G.M., Forest, P., Sandall, J.L., Lalor, B.M. and Keenan, R.J. (2013). Managing the environmental science-policy nexus in government: Perspectives from public servants in Canada and Australia. Science and Public Policy 40(4): 529-543.


