Evelyn Roozee, Ph.D. Candidate

BSc Biology and Environmental Studies, Tufts University, USA; MSc Ocean, Coastal and Earth Sciences, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA.



Interests: ecosystem-based management, sustainable fisheries, transboundary water issues, collaborative natural resource management approaches


Research Summary:

Managing Transboundary Collaboration through Regional Fishery Management Organizations

NRM involves interactions between complex social and natural systems that are defined by emergence, non-linearity, feedback loops, and tipping points. Resource managers are therefore challenged to “dance with complexity” through the creation of equally connected and adaptable management networks. Networks provide flexible and decentralized structures that are more inclusive and information-rich than the scope of direct bureaucratic authority and are the preferred choice when facing wicked problems. Regional Fishery Management Organizations (RFMOs) act as connection hubs between diverse stakeholders in the broader collaborative governance regime (CGR) through information sharing and transparency in the decision-making process. Despite their promise, RFMOs have faced criticism for their inability to achieve their stated objectives. We must therefore deepen our understanding of the collaborative process to strengthen RFMOs’ capacity for cooperation and collective action.

My Ph.D. research will focus on improving our understanding of learning and adaptation by analyzing the feedback loops that sustain collaboration in RFMOs. I will analyze the management strategies used by RFMOs to identify how collaborative performance outcomes are achieved and used to create institutional knowledge and adapt future management efforts to fit the changing organizational and social-ecological context.


Awards and Scholarships:

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Graduate Research Stipend (2022-2025)

F. Grey Woods Fellowship, McGill University (2024)

Graduate Mobility Award, McGill University (2025).

Graduate Excellence Award, McGill University, 2022-25



Pedersen, D., Temby, O., Sohns, A., Roozee, E., Hickey, G.M. (2025). Assessing inter-organizational collaboration within the transboundary network governing the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale. Marine Policy 171: 106469.

Katznelson, D., Sohns, A., Kim, D., Roozee, E., Donner, W.R., Song, A.M., de Vries, J., Temby, O. and Hickey, G.M. (2025). Examining the presence and effects of coherence and fragmentation in the Gulf of Maine fishery management network. Regional Environmental Change 25(3).

Roozee, E., Kim, D., Sohns, A., de Vries, J.R., Temby, O.F. and Hickey, G.M. (2024). Managing inter-organizational trust and risk perceptions in transboundary fisheries governance networks. Marine Policy 159: 105927.

Hickey, G.M., Roozee, E., Voogd, R., de Vries, J.R., Sohns, A., Kim, D. and Temby, O. (2023). On the architecture of collaboration in inter-organizational natural resource management networks. Journal of Environmental Management 328: 116994.

Vallejo, J., Sanchez, K., Roozee, E. and Temby, O. (2022). Disaster Resilience Versus Ecological Resilience and the Proposed Second Causeway to South Padre Island. Case Studies in the Environment 6(1): 1714379.



